The Story continues
My last article about my family heritage ended with the Indians attacking the cabin of Nickel Long . As I go through the material I am amazed at the courage and the determination of my ancestors. They suffered many hardships as they slowly moved westwward. In 1843 the first murder was committed in Jefferson County. The Long brothers were noted for their hunting and were well-known as woodsmen. Daniel did not follow hunting as much as his brothers. He married in February 1 832 and settled on a farm. He was engaged in the lumber business. He had taken up a track of land (as was the custom of the day. He built a shanty on the land and with that he had squatter's rights. A dispute had arisen between he and James Green. Daniel had first rights to the tract. Daniel was gone for a few days and when he returned to the shanty with a friend, he was shot by the Greens and his friend was so badly beatened that he died also. The Greens were both found guilty of second degree murder and sentenced to four years in the penitentary. They were placed in solitary confinement at hard labor and this is unbelieveable a fine of one dollar and cost. The younger Green was killed after his release from prison by Indians as he made his way West.