Saturday, July 15, 2006


When I was a small girl, we lived on a farm and the house was on a hill with a lane from the road. At the start of the lane there were two huge maple trees and to my eyes as a child, they seemed to reach up to the sky. I loved to read and I spent many lazy summer days with book in hand, a peanut butter sandwich and maybe an apple from the large orchard, laying in the cool grass and reading. I would look up through those trees and listen to the birds singing and think of the poem, "Trees". As I thought of that poem I would always remember the line, " And only God can make a tree". As I looked at those beautiful maple trees with all their splendor especially in the fall with all the vivid colors, the reds, yellows and bright orange, they looked as if they had been painted with an artist's paintbrush. I knew then that we had a God that gives us the beauty of his creation to enjoy and to cherish.