Seasoned Campers
Our first camper was a fold down. It would sleep eight people. We bought it with my brother, Fred and wife Mary. Our first camping trip was to Mississinewa campground. It had just opened and there were very few campers there. We set up camp and told our daughter Beth and her cousin Tom to go find some wood for the campfire. They went after the wood in Tom's Volkswagon. When they came back they had a log as big as his car. It was hard to tell whether the log had brought the car back or the car had brought the log. Needless to say the log lasted the whole week-end and they didn't have to look for any more wood. Good thinking, huh?
Mary and I went hunting for flowers and weeds for a center piece for our table. We found some burrs that we used to make Burr baskets. We filled the baskets with blooming weeds and we had our center pieces. Other campers had never heard of such a thing. I'm sure they never had to make their own entertainment growing up. By the way the baskets are quite pretty. Want to learn how to make them?
After that we became seasoned campers. After that we would plan a Memorial week-end camp-out for the whole family. We later bought a pull trailer but that didn't last long as my husband forgot to drain it one year and the plumbing froze. Needless to say that ended with all the bedding wet and a real disaster. We sold that one and bought a motor home. Did I say seasoned travelers!! I will tell you more about our camping experiences next time. Bye for now