Friday, August 10, 2007

Tribute To Bonnie

As you who knew Bonnie, you also knew that she was a Historian and an avid photographer. We have had mountains of photos to go through and sort out those who pertain to family members. I brought home another container of pictures and genealogy papers that she had worked on for years. Several years ago she gave her Dad and I books with a start on the information on both our families. She continued her search of my fathers genealogy. She hit a snag.. She found my great-grandfather , David Long but could go no farther. We checked for obituaries, birth records, marriage license but nothing, It was almost as if he never existed. We knew they had moved from Pennsylvania to Ohio and my father said they moved to Starke County. No luck there. Finally my grandson went online and found a school record of my grandfather's two brothers in Portage County. Wrong county that took time . We could not find our heritage if we could not find David's father. My Dad was the youngest in a family of nine and he was the only living child and he was born after his grandfather died. We started too late to get any information from his older siblings. Bonnie tried so very hard to find that missing link while her grandfather was alive but that didn't happen . My father died in 2 001. She didn;t find positive proof until 2006 shortly before she became ill. She had help from my third cousin in California. She came to my house one day all smiles and so happy. They had found the missing link through a DNA test. It was proof. His name was Lewis. Thanks Bonnie.


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