Our Lives Change
I have been writing about my life growing up on the farm and how much different it was in "The Olden Days". My oldest daughter, Bonnie, was my encourager. She also wrote a Blog, Peru, then and now. That all changed in January. She started having problems with her left hand. She dropped everything she would have in her hand. Her Doctor ordered and MRI and a tumor was found on the right sideof her brain. She was rushed to Methodist Hospital in Indianapolisand was diagnosed with a malignant brain tumor. The lives of all our family changed. Many trips to Indy, then to Howard Community where she started radiation and many medications. We are now living our lives on a day to day basis not knowing what the next day will bring. There has been an outpouring of love, many, many prayers and concern from so many. The Doctors, nurses, aides, and all who are caring for her have been so loving and kind. I thank God for each on and what a blessing they have been to Bonnie in her struggle and to all her family. May God bless each one for their caring and loving hearts
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