Friday, March 02, 2007

Our Pets

The two pets I want to tell you about were a part of our lives for many years. My youngest brother was born in 1930. That same year one of the mares gave birth to a colt. I remember that wobbly four legged colt trying to run. We named him Prince. It wasn't long until he thought of himself as King of the farm. That same year we got a small collie puppy who was given the name of Spot. The name fit him well as he was white with black and brown spots. That makes sense! Why else would we call him Spot. My brother grew up with those two pets and it wasn't long until Spot and Jim became inseparable. Everywhere Jim went Spot was there too. Prince soon became even more important. He was not only a pet but he was big and strong and he soon learned how to pull a plow and the wagons and he was also very patient with us as we would get on his wide back and ride around the farm. My Dad also had a mare and she and Prince helped make a living on that farm. Only the large farmers had tractors. Since he thought he was King , he insisted that he be fed first. If he wasn't , he would stomp and snort until Dad would feed him. If my Dad was unhappy with him, he would feed the mare first. That really made him mad but he soon got the message. He had to be a good boy to be fed first. Both of those pets lived long lives and gave us many fond memories of two faithful pets.


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