Time Flies
In July of this year a sweet young lady with a precious little boy came to our church service. Seeing her brought back memories that have stayed with me through the years. Sharon was one of the children that always attended our church camp-out with her parents, Dave and Nancy Crowe. We would pack up our campers and tents and go to a campground on Eel River. The campground is not far from Peru. We would all gather either Friday night or Saturday morning and almost immediately we became a community of friends. Our kids ranged from babies to teenagers. We took care of each others kids, played games with them and taught the little ones to fish. The women gathered around the tables and prepared the veggies for the camp stew that would be the meal for Saturday night. The meat for the stew was cooking in a big pot over an open fire. The big pot was one from the church that had cooked many meals at the church. We shared with each other as we peeled potatoes, scraped carrots, chopped onions and celery and tomatoes from our gardens. Yum!Yum!That was without a doubt the best stew I ever tasted. It was made with love. More next time about some of our entertainment!