Shopping In Days Gone By
I am a shop-aholic or I should say I was when my body was younger and my legs stronger. One of my favorite things to do was go to town and at a leisure pace go from store to store to see all the wonderful things not only in the stores but in their window displays. There was always a clerk to say "May I help you and with a smile. My reply most often was " No Thank You. I am just looking. My very favorite place to shop was Sengers Dry Goods store. That building is now the Miami County Museum. What a great store! There were three floors plus the basement. The basement was the yard goods department. How I loved that. You could always find the very material you needed for whatever you were going to create. The jewelry department was another great part of the store and I usually would look at all the beautiful costume jewelry and it was priced so reasonable. I still have several pieces of jewelry from Sengers. I remember standing in line waiting for the doors to open for the annual Dollar Days. If you were lucky enough to get in first, you probably would get the best bargains. I usually headed for the shoe department and would usually come home with a couple pairs of shoes. I would then rush to the yard goods, push my way to the counter and always go home with material that would last a long time. My kids had a lot of outfits made from material from Senger's. When I was a child I loved to watch those little containers that held the money for your prized purchase. They made their way on wire tracks that took your money to the office and any change would be returned. What a wonderful store. My very first credit card was from Sengers and it now resides in one of my scrapbooks. It was a sad day when the store closed its doors for the last time. A part of our History was over.