In 1985 our church celebrated 150 years of service to this community. Joan Jackson was asked to be the chairperson. She found that it was not going to be possible to continue. I then took over for her. First thing I had to do was learn to spell sesquicentennial. It took awhile. We formed a committee and we all started searching session minutes, we found old pictures and books that told the history of the church. What an amazing history of the church and the town of Peru. Many humerous incidents were found. Parishners in the early church paid for their pews. Two ladies would come to church and sit in someone's pew. They were told several times not to do this. They were then called before session and reprimanded. Session minutes stated "and they left''. The question is , where did they leave? Did they leave the church or just leave the meeting. The past tells a fascinating story and yet it is not so different than today, joys and tears, peace and conflict but God is still with us.