Saturday, July 08, 2006

Hummingbirds at My Window

My kitchen table sits beside my kitchen window. Right outside that window is a shepherds hook with two hummingbird feeders. Early this spring the weather continued to be cool so I was waiting for some warm days to fill the feeders with the sugar water that those little birds like so well. One early morning as I sat reading the paper and having my morning cup of coffee, I saw this wee bird watching me as if to say, "Where is my food.?"I hurried to make the sugar water to fill `the feeders. Now they flit around chasing each other and just showing off. They will fly close to you as the summer goes on and by summer's end they are quite tame. As I watch those lovely little creatures, I know they are God's creation. Only god could create such a tiny but beautiful little creature. The females come to the feeder first, then the males with their red bands around their necks and their brilliant feathers. By this time the females are on the nest. Last week there was a wee one at the feeder. Isn't God's creation wonderful?


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