Presbyterian Cancer Support Group
Last time I told you how our Cancer Support Group came into being. We always start our meetings with devotions that pertains to the rough spots in the road. We talk about out fears when reports are not good and our joys when we get good reports. We cry together and laugh together. How good it is to talk about the rough road of Chemo, radiation and the endless tests, Xrays, Dr. visits and always the blood tests. But the road is smoothest when we turn our burdens over to our Lord who gives us strength, comfort and a peace of mind that we cannot achieve on our own. When we trust God, the road becomes smooth. We have invited those who care for cancer patients. The caregivers, who give of their time, compassion and love also need support. They have a need to talk about their frustrations in dealing with their loved ones. Our support group meets at the lst. Presbyterian Church on the 2nd Saturday of each month except July and August.
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