Sunday, September 10, 2006

I Remember

I was born in Peru and lived here until I was five. My parents bought a farm about three miles from Peru. It had no electricity or even water in the house. It was at least a half mile to the nearest neighbor. The house needed much work and my Dad rolled up his sleeves and proceeded to make it livable. As Dad and Mom worked together it soon became a home. We planted a large garden, raised chickens, pigs, and had cows for our milk. We still carried water for all our needs, baths, laundry and remember no electricity so a tub and washboard got the clothes clean. Life was not easy but the farm began to take shape and we found many fun things to do-sledding in the winter and playing in the creek in the summer. We would catch tadpoles and put them in the horsetank which was always filled with water from a spring of cold flowing water. The tadpoles would grow legs and soon hop away . Life was hard but peaceful and slow. No rushing to ball games, meetings, or Wal-Mart. We went to town on Saturday night to grocery shop or to the five and dime. That was our outing for the week.


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