Thursday, April 20, 2006

The Good Old Days

A teacher in our Junior High School asked my husband and me to talk to one of her classes as to what it was like when we were growing up. My husband, now deceased, grew up in the small town of Bunker Hill and until I entered High School I lived on a farm. One of the questions the children asked us was "Where did you get your milk?" My husband answered them with "From
bottles delivered to his home. I told the class we got our milk directly from the cow. I hand milked from the time I had enough strength to squeeze. Life was not easy. We had no electricity so water had to be pumped and carried in the house. We had no indoor plumbing, no air conditioners, no fans, no refrigerators and we trotted out to the outhouse. It sure was cold in the winter. I grew up in a depression, Word War ll, the Korean War, and the Vietnam War so war is not a new thing for me. We had rationing of sugar, coffee, butter and other food items. Gasoline was rationed and I stood in long lines to buy a pair of hose. Growing up I soon learned responsibility, respect for my elders, and my parents were strict in their discipline. You did not lie, cheat or talk back. You did you chores when told and you didn't complain. More of the good old days later...........


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